
Forthcoming publications include two books, The Death of Academic Freedom? Free speech and censorship on campus, and It’s Teaching NOT Therapy as well as several chapters in books.

Books and Chapters in Books:

I wrote on ‘Taking Ethics Seriously’ in Five Critical Essays on Architectural Ethics 

My essay in the HEPI Report 140 What is the Student voice? was ‘Restoring the real student voice‘. It was well reported in the press on the day of publication, including this piece in the Telegraph.

My chapter is ‘Free Speech – the freedom that unions forgot’ free to download

My chapter Socrates for Teachers aims to encourage readers to read Plato’s works by offering a taste of Socratic thinking.

Get 20% off the Routledge Education Classic Edition with a new introduction ‘The Continuing Dangerous Rise of Therapeutic Education’ using the code BSE19!*

Buy Beyond McDonaldization: visions of higher education  – my chapters are ‘Beyond the McDonaldization of Higher Education’, ‘Beyond McDonaldization: a conversation with George Ritzer’ and ‘Beyond the Therapeutic University’.

Buy Critical Humanist Perspectives – my chapter is ‘Freedom of Speech in a Therapeutic Age’.

Buy The Role of the Teacher Today – my chapter is ‘The therapeutic turn in teaching’.

Buy Why Academic Freedom Matters  – my chapter is ‘Towards a Philosophy of Academic Freedom’.

Buy Magic Party Place – CJ Clarke’s magnificent photo book (180 Photos) of Basildon as a microcosm of England today has my essay ‘Still “Mr Aspiration” Basildon Man in the 21st Century’ as one of three commentaries.

Buy the Routledge Handbook of the Sociology of Higher Education – my chapter is ‘The McDonaldization of Higher Education Revisited’ (with Robin Wynyard).

Buy the Europa World of Learning 2015 (65th Edition) – this is the reference work higher education containing the universities and names of every academic in the world (2 Volumes) Volume 1 (£790) contains my essay ‘Academic Freedom, Free Speech and Human Being’.

Buy Enhancing Learning and Teaching in Higher Education – my piece ‘No more Mr Nice Don’ appears in the section ‘On the Nature of Academic Knowledge’

Buy Teaching in Post 14 Education and Training – this is the fifth edition of the best selling textbook that first appeared in 1999 as Teaching and Training in Post-Compulsory Education.

Buy Exploring Education at Postgraduate Level– my chapters are ‘Is everyone a Socrates now? A critical look at critical thinking’ and ‘The Refuge of Relativism’ (with Ruth Mieschbuehler).

Buy Migration and the Education of Young People 0-19 – my chapter is ‘Migration into a Global City: the economic and educational success of London’.

Buy the Special Edition of the British Journal of Educational Studies 57 (2) 2009. My contribution is the editorial and a paper Academic freedom and the diminished self. The journal contains many interesting papers, not least Freedom of speech and philosophy of education by Professor Roy Harris.

Buy The Dangerous Rise of Therapeutic Education

Buy A Lecturer’s Guide to Further Education – read my,Toby Marshall and Alec Turner’s important ‘Introduction: the perverse consequences of further education policy’ and my chapter ‘Teacher Training for All?’

Buy Debating Humanism – my chapter is ‘Re-humanising Education’

Buy The Changing Role of the Public Intellectual – My chapter is ‘Intellectuals and Education: the role of the university’.

Buy Citizenship and Higher Education: the role of universities in community and society – my chapter is ‘The Character of Higher Education’.

Buy The Routledge Guide to Key Debates in Education

Buy Working in Post-Compulsory Education – my chapters are ‘The Changed Nexus between Work and Education’, ‘Mangerialism and Professionalism in Post-Compulsory Education’ and ‘The Truths about Educational Research’.

Buy Discourse, Power, Resistance: Challenging the Rhetoric of Contemporary Education – read my Chapter ‘New Labour New Professionalism’ in PDF . (Link to Follow)

(Out of Print) A version of my and Robin Wynyard’s contribution on ‘The McDonaldization of Higher Education’ is available. (Link to follow)

Buy The McDonaldization of Higher Education – read a revised version of the Introduction by Dennis Hayes, Robin Wynyard and Luna Mandal (2017).

Read Basildon: the mood of the nation – my and Alan Hudson’s seminal work on the aspirant British working class voter.