
Freedom of Speech: What the new legislation means for universities, University of Derby, 19 May 2023

The best books on how to recognise the therapeutic turn in education,, 23 January 2023

How did universities become so toxic? An interview with me about AFAF, in the Sunday Telegraph, 12 December 2021

Five ways to tell if your school is making a therapeutic turn, Independent Schools Magazine, October 2021

Restoring the real student voice – a paper for an Higher Education Policy Institute publication – was well reported in the press including this piece in the Telegraph, 5 August 2021

Academic Freedom can’t be legislated into existence, Times Higher Education, 16 February 2021

Post-Pandemic is the time to ask what teaching means in HE, University World News, 6 February 2021

How to defend free speech in universities, AFAF Blog, 14 January 2021

Remember Samuel Paty, AFAF Blog, 10 January 2021

#JeSuisSamuel, AFAF Blog, 20 October 2020

Why we need The Free Speech Union, AFAF Blog, 26 February 2020

Rise up for academic freedom, AFAF Blog, 31 January 2020

First, give no offence, Spiked, 31 October 2019

Why can’t every young person go to university?, teachwire,  25 October 2019

Vacuous value statements miss the point of higher education, Times Higher Education, 19 May 2018

Reality Check: Universities and free speech, (with Bryn Harris) Times Higher Education, 28 October 2018

The real reason why university degrees are getting easier, Spiked, 27 June 2018

The EU won’t save academic freedom, Spiked, 10 May 2018

Why free speech and open debate are essential in universities, University of Derby Blog,  22 February 2018

Debating the Skills Revolution, Spiked, 9 February 2018

There’s no Dennis without the menace! Spiked,  4 January 2018

Three cheers for Lindsay Shepherd, Spiked, 23 November 2017

Louise Richardson: a free-speech hero, Spiked, 7 September 2017

In defence of unwise speech, Spiked, 30 August 2017

Student contracts will sign away trust, Spiked, 27 July 2017

How ‘learning styles’ undermine education, Spiked, 16 March 2017

Seven ways education needs to change in 2017The Conversation, 4 January 2017

After Brexit snowflake professors need to grow up, Spiked, 12 December 2016

The academics vs the bureaucracy, Spiked, 26 September 2016

The university must be an unsafe space for ideas, University Business, 20 September 2016

As they compete to provide the best student experience universities mustn’t forget the academic one too, The Conversation, 28 July 2015

Philosophy for children isn’t real philosophy, Spiked, 16 July 2015

Finland is throwing away everything that made its schools the best in the world, The Conversation, 31 March 2015

Even extremists have a right to free speech on campus, The Conversation, 26 November 2014

Why important education research often gets ignored, The Conversation, 16  October 2014

On the freedom to sigh, Spiked, 23 September 2014

The 50 great books on education, The Conversation, 31 March 2014

Can an Islamic education produce critical thinkers? The Conversation, 13 February 2014

Can kids do Kant? The Conversation, 3 February 2014

Stop policing the university, Spiked, 1 November 2012

Academic freedom means free speech and no “buts”, The Free Society, 4 March  2008